Power & Control Systems
DIAM 4200
1 to 15 kVA IGBT controlled Sinusoidal Single-Phase Constant Current Regulator
DIAM 4200
DIAM4200 series CCRs are optimized static devices, controlled IGBT bridges, designed to maintain a constant, pre-displayed and adjustable output current independently of load or power supply fluctuations. These devices are specifically designed for visual aids supply, and particularly LED lights.
COMPLIANT with the Current Edition of the following Specs:
ICAO: Annex 14 – Volume I
IEC: TS 61827
FAA: AC 150/5345-51B, 5340-30H, Engineering Brief #67
Width: Ø144 mm
Height: 310 mm
Breakable Coupling Thread: 2″-11 GAS
Omnidirectional: 9 VA
Monitoring: electronic device that returns information of open circuit at the secondary of the isolation transformer in case of failure of a luminous LED source or control board.